
The post-Corona world and its traffic patterns

April 11, 2022
A. Shibankova

In recent years, one issue in particular has dominated the media and the thoughts of many people. Around the world, people have been confronted with the Covid 19 pandemic. Regardless of the impact on social cohesion and people's psyche, in this article we would like to focus on road traffic in the immediate future after Corona. What exactly awaits us after this period, when many people have worked in home offices and, above all, kept their radius of movement as small as possible as a result?

The most accurate simulation model for the post-pandemic period can be traced in the summer months, when outside temperatures are warmer, the number of cases of illness steadily decreases, traffic density increases and returns to nearer the former norm, and new congestion patterns become apparent. The most important trend in the post-pandemic period is the increase in car traffic on the roads. Due to the avoidance of public transportation and the rules of social distancing, some of which are still ubiquitous, people's mobility habits are changing significantly, increasing their reliance on personal transportation. According to "Sky News," private car trips for leisure, travel and business purposes in warmer times have exceeded pre-Corona levels by nearly 130 percent. At the same time, the use of buses and trains is only about half as popular as before. Until confidence in the safe use of public transportation is restored and other mobility habits become entrenched again, this trend is not expected to be mitigated.

Another characteristic traffic pattern in the post-pandemic period is the shift in regular peak travel times. According to the statistical data of the company "TomTom", which specializes in car navigation, morning and evening traffic peaks already shift by two to three hours. The figures presented for Europe and North America show a uniform tendency in the shift of traffic volume - lower traffic volume in the former peak hours, but higher intensity in the midday. The reasons for this undoubtedly lie in the changed daily routines and driving habits of motorists. However, it is also certain that the newly defined habits will not disappear again so quickly, so that this steadily emerging development will probably continue unabated.

Another feature is that, in addition to the rising demand for foreign travel, domestic tourism is also expected to increase after the restrictions are lifted. According to an insurance survey, people still want to take road trips, with more than half of respondents interested in long-distance travel. The natural consequence for the traffic situation is congestion on the roads.

ROADIA is aware of the coming trends, which are predicted for the not too distant future. In this world of uncertainty, we offer safe speed measurement and traffic data collection solutions to help you reach your destination safely. Discover our customized devices and feel at least on the safe side in traffic.


Rico Seidel

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